2011年3月14日 星期一

Sandifer said incandescent bulbs

Sandifer said incandescent bulbs are not the future.Valles will be filmed during the Tea Party brightshine meeting that starts at 6 p.m. in the Cocky Bull, at 14181 Highway 395.Richmond says this is a way for people purchasing pet food to subsidize the SPCA, which does bluebright "a wonderful job" and is known to be underfunded. He believes that LED bulbs will be what most people use within three to five years.

The problem for now is that LED bulbs cost much more than the alternatives and the technology is still developing. The first 60-watt-equivalent LED bulb went on the market in the past few months.

HomeDepot.com sells LED bulbs starting at around $16 each (the 60-watt equivalent one is $40), compact florescent lights start at about $4 each and inMarketing officer Jo Lewis said: "The new led spotlight lights really make the venue come alive. People have been commenting on how spectacular they look and I really think they make coming to the theatre more welcoming and enjoyable."candescent bulbs run about $1.50 apiece.

Sandifer said a trip to a California research facility that was testing LED lights convinced him that the LED bulbs were the future because they are more energy efficient than incandescent or CFL bulbs and do not have any of the problems he hears about CFL bulbs.

So why is Sandifer trying to attract an industry he concedes is on its way out rather than reaching out to CFL or LED manufacturers?

“We already have materials and technology and capability, not in South Carolina necessarily,contract with camera operator Redflex, with several bestlight attorneys looking at ways to get Victorville out of that agreement for the remaining 10 cameras before it expires in 2014. but we can make incandescent bulbs and make them relatively inexpensively,” he said. “I don’t have any idea who might be interested in locating a plant in South Carolina and the life expectancy would be fairly limited, but I think a wise businessperson would be ready to embrace a changeover to an inexpensive LED manufacturing process.The CRD will also likely re-submit a resolution to support funding for the SPCA through ledbright an additional pet food levy which was previously denied by NCLGA.”

