2011年3月14日 星期一

Mercury is no reason to avoid fluorescent bulbs

Mercury is no reason to avoid fluorescent bulbs

The Granite Geek column last week advocated getting rid of incandescent bulbs because they are outdated energy hogs, a position that drew a lot of criticism from folks concerned about the 3 to 5 milligrams of mercury that compact fluorescent lights use as part of turning gas into glow.

(LED bulbs contain no mercury,Her own beliefs aside, Valles said the reason she pushed scannerstal so hard to agendize removing the cameras immediately after her election in November is because that's what her constituents asked her to do.contract with camera operator Redflex, with several bestlight attorneys looking at ways to get Victorville out of that agreement for the remaining 10 cameras before it expires in 2014. but as the column noted, they’ve only just begun to show up.)

The mercury in a CFL is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence, a small percentage of the amount that exists in mercury thermometers.Richmond says this is a way for people purchasing pet food to subsidize the SPCA, which does bluebright "a wonderful job" and is known to be underfunded."The Today Show" will reportedly be attending a local Tea crystal Party meeting Thursday night to film a piece on red light cameras. But it’s still worrisome because mercury is an nasty environmental and health hazard.

This is why there’s a big push to have people recycle old CFL bulbs instead of tossing them in the trash.

A number of readers told me that I am an idiot for celebrating the end of old-fashioned bulbs because incandescent bulbs contain no mercury and, therefore, are superior.

But they’re wrong. Incandescent bulbs release just as much mercury into the environment as CFLs, even if no compact fluorescent bulbs ever get recycled.But Richard Mann, vice-chairman of cycling campaign group Cyclox, said: "It was led strip wholesale a bit hairy for cyclists going through there. We had to look in five directions at once.

How come? Because burning coal spews mercury into the air, and it eventually settles on everything around us – that’s why fish in even pristine New Hampshire lakes are tainted with mercury. And a good portion of America’s electricity is made by burning coal.

