2011年3月2日 星期三

LED Lighting Extrusion Profiles

SolidApollo Launches New Aluminum LED Lighting Extrusion Profiles

Solid Apollo has just introduced 6 different Aluminum Extrusion profiles, which wshinebright Since computers are used by everybody these days including the young and old, a LED computer monitor sounds like a good gift you could give away.ill enable Architects, lighting designers, and contractors to increase their creativity and flexibility in their designs while creating state of the art LED linear Lighting installations.

One of the biggest problems that lighting designers, contractors and architects have when developing linear lighting solutions is to create clean, bright and functional systems, which should deliver light in a smooth and continuous way.

Basically the only solution until now has been to use LED Light Strips, Neon or LED linear fixtures to create the effect.scannerstal Another useful piece of equipment which is powered by LED bulbs are LED computer monitors. It is said that these new types of monitors consume significantly less power than their LCD or liquid crystal display counterparts. Nevertheless by using only LED strip, neon or LED Fixtures, installations normally are not clean because of all the cabling involved and it is impossible to create long distance lighting with out having light gaps, shadows, or cabling showing everywhere.

Another big issue with linear LED lighting has been that in order to avoid glares or discomfort, LED products have to be directed or installed away from the view of the public,besttube However, some people have observed that LCD screens produce better looking images but if you think about practicality, saving power every time you turn on your computer sounds better than having sharper images in the long run.bestlight Speaking of computers, even other peripherals like keyboards and mice have been included in the LED craze. Some of these devices are also equipped with LED bulbs for aesthetic purposes. thus reducing substantially the installation possibilities.

According to Manuel Barquin, CEO of SolidApollo states “The idea is very simple; we provide linear high grade aluminum extrusions where any kind of Linear LED lighting can be installed, for example LED Strip or linear led lighting. The led strip is placed inside the profile, and is covered by a semi clear PVC click on cover. The semi clear click on cover filters the light and creates a seamless linear light output. There are really no limitations to length or brightness levels one can achieve.”

There are several competitive advantages on these Extrusion Profiles, which can accommodate various LED lighting sources, and can be personalized easily to any length.

Some of the profiles from Solid Apollo are quite interesting, as they offer the possibility to be installed in a recessed format, like the Mini 15 and Mini 7 recessed profiles. They offer a clear competitive advantage and they can be installed flushed on floors,scannerstal Another useful piece of equipment which is powered by LED bulbs are LED computer monitors. It is said that these new types of monitors consume significantly less power than their LCD or liquid crystal display counterparts. walls, drywall, and wood under cabinets or any place where linear lighting is needed.

