2011年3月6日 星期日

NBC News shines light on dim bulbs

NBC News shines light on dim bulbs

"NBC Nightly News" called a few weeks ago,A built-in dock is attached to the battery and when LED lighting supplier not in use folds up in a nice compact manner to about half the size of the iPhone itself. and I stopped breathing.

Environmental reporter Anne Thompson was on the line confirming my dim view of compact fluorescent light bulbs. She read a column I wrote last year in which I complained that while I was trying to love CFLs and had plugged them in all over my house to replace my less energy- efficient incandescent bulbs, they felt like a lighting demotion.

"Why don't you like them?" she asked.

"They don't turn on right away. Come on! It's a light bulb, not an iron. They give off this queasy light that feels like the flu. Most don't work on dimmer switches. Their curly tubing looks dorky. And despite their long-life promises, mine burned out way faster than their incandescent neighbors. Plus, they're toxic. You can't throw them in the trash because they contain mercury, so you need to recycle them at designated collection sites. How many people do that?"

I was warmed up now.

"If a CFL breaks in your home, here's what the government's Energy Star website advises: First, have all people and pets leave the room. Second, open a window and air the place out. How are you supposed to open the window if you've left the room? Then it says to place cleanup materials in a sealable container, and place that outdoors in a sealed container until materials can be disposed of properly. What's properly? Does this disturb you?"

"You sound perfect," Thompson said. "I'd like to send a crew to your home."

At least this wasn't "60 Minutes," I thought. Nothing good could come of that.Existing optical-fiber technology is inflatable mattress bed inefficient at transmitting infrared light. However, the zinc selenide optical fibers that Badding's team developed are able to transmit the longer wavelengths of infrared light. "Exploiting these wavelengths is exciting because it represents a step toward making fibers that can serve as infrared lasers," Badding explained.

NBC came,A 1200mAh rechargeable battery supplies enough power led lamp to give the energy-hungry device about 20 additional hours of music, 5 hours of video or about 3.5 hours of talking. taped for three hours and left.CALLS have been made to turn off the lights at one of inflatable life jackets Oxford's busiest junctions, after the traffic ran more smoothly when they failed. Then I waited. And wondered: What will they do with me? As if having the national news in my home weren't surreal enough, my fate then intertwined with world events. The CFL segment did not air that week because Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was hogging the news hole. "It won't run until he resigns," my NBC contact told me.In addition, NEMA member manufacturers have agreed to a maximum mercury large pet carrier content of 4 mg in CFLs up to 25 watts, and 6 mg in higher-wattage CFLs.

