2011年5月22日 星期日

Good time to get ahead by going green

Good time to get ahead by going green

With rising fuel and energy costs, most folks are resigned to the fact that they will spend more money paying utility bills and buying high-priced gasoline for summer travel or simply just getting to work and running errands. But others have decided to get ahead of the curve — from motorists adopting more eco-friendly transportation habits, to businesses and individuals investing in technology to generate “green” energy, like solar and wind.

In Fall River, linen manufacturer Matouk installed about 200 solar panels at its Airport Road facility, which houses the company’s offices, manufacturing space and factory store. So far, the switch to solar has paid off for Matouk. Matouk Controller Peter Brust says the full return on the company’s $570,000 initial investment to buy and install the solar panels, should be realized in about four or five years. During the past year, solar power has supplied more than 30 percent of Matouk’s energy needs. Lightolier, the lighting manufacturer, plans to install the largest wind turbine in the commonwealth at its facility in Fall River. Meanwhile, the green energy business could also fuel Fall River’s economy.While most people Led strip light originally believed that LED lights were only appropriate for retail or night life applications, every day more and more American consumers are seeing that LED lights provide the earth-friendly retrofit TPI Composites, a manufacturer of blades for wind turbines, has plans to construct a 69,000-square-foot facility on the city’s waterfront.

Back in 2009, Whaling City Transit, in Westport, which provides school bus, wheelchair transport and van services in the area, installed 177 solar panels. Whaling City president and co-owner Bob Neves said the company just saw the return on its initial $315,000 investment, which was whittled down to just $60,000 after rebates and grants were figured in. While Whaling City’s utility bills were $700 or $800 per month before installing the panels, going green has slashed electric bills to about $200 — not per month, but per year! Those savings are significant, particularly as the company struggles with the cost of fuel for its fleet of buses,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. which have not been passed onto the customer.

Bristol Community College also plans to go green. The college is in the process of finding solar panels to generate energy for its Fall River campus. The school also plans to install energy-efficient light fixtures,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. and even a wind turbine may be in the works.

Municipalities are also looking to go green and save. In his February State of the City address, Fall River Mayor Will Flanagan announced plans to construct solar panels on municipal buildings and energy efficient lighting in classrooms this year. While further details about this plan — including how to pay for it — have not emerged, the proposal reflects the mayor’s overall goal of reducing the city’s “carbon footprint.” Freetown is also looking at ways to save energy and the associated costs, including purchasing solar panels for municipal buildings and adding hybrid vehicles to its fleet.

It’s also a good time for homeowners to go green. In addition to tax credits and other government incentives, Mass Save, an initiative sponsored by Massachusetts utilities and energy efficiency service providers, this week announced its expanded loan programs aimed at helping Massachusetts residential customers and businesses implement energy-efficiency improvements.

The new and expanded loan programs has nearly $1 billion to lend, offered through more than 40 participating lending partners,While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment including Bank Five, Citizens-Union Savings Bank and Mechanics Cooperative Bank locally.

Residential customers can apply for interest-free loans for up to $25,000 and terms up to seven years to help with the cost of installing qualified energy-efficient improvements in their homes or rental properties through the Mass Save Residential HEAT Loan Program. Business customers, including non-profits and multi-family complexes with five or more dwelling units, also have the opportunity to apply for interest-free loans up to $100,000 with terms up to seven years through Mass Save’s Financing for Business program.That 3G test in Grand Central further confirmed these results. Reception r4 販売 was low on both modems, but the U600 manage to squeak past the 250U To learn more about financing options and incentives available to help with energy efficiency improvement initiatives, visit www.MassSave.com/financing.

When it comes to pain at the gas pump, several local residents have found creative ways to cut back on costs. Dayna Butts, a BCC student who lives in Brockton, has decided to enroll in many online classes to avoid the expense associated with her 40-mile round-trip commute. When she does drive, she keeps the speedometer below 60 mph to save fuel.

Motorists can also harness the power of the Internet to find low gas prices around town or in areas where they work or travel through, including AAA’s Fuel Gauge Report website and an increasing number of websites or download gas-tracking applications on their smartphones. The second most popular travel app available by Apple is one that compares local gas prices.

