2011年3月8日 星期二

To avoid going through

To avoid going through another fuss with a second request to put up an LED sign, St. Alexander's new pastor, the Rev. Marty Michniewicz, opted for a 6-foot monument sign.The High Desert Tea Party Movement, with support from Councilwoman bluecrystal Angela Valles and Mayor Ryan McEachron, has been helping lead the charge to remove 10 cameras monitoring intersections throughout Victorville. That request was recently approved, and the sign will be erected in the spring. Michniewicz said the sign would help identify the church and also possibly attract new members.

Several officials said they were relieved the church didn't continue its fight for an LED sign.

"At that point,"I do feel that the cameras are unconstitutional," Valles said, brightstal since they don't allow alleged violators to face their accuser. "I also think they're unsafe because people slam on their brakes. I've witnessed it many, many times myself." if we started approving LED signs on residential lots, people could have them throughout the whole community," said Ald. Mike McGrogan, who chairs the city's License, Permits and Franchises Committee,One case, in particular, relates to safety issues occurring in the Chilcotin, where lightbright public pay phones are being removed from the Alexis Creek, Tatla Lake and Anahim Lake areas, and yet there continues to be no cell service available. which discussed the sign.

Some Palos Heights residents still say the community should skip electronic signs altogether.Details weren't immediately brightcrystal available on when the episode of "The Today Show" will air, though McEachron said he was told it'll likely be sometime next week. A handful of parishioners at St. Alexander said they were glad their sign will be a simple one.

"I think the world has done without LEDs for millions of years, and it's not like you can't live without one now,The CRD will also likely re-submit a resolution to support funding for the SPCA through ledbright an additional pet food levy which was previously denied by NCLGA." said Michniewicz.

