City Recieves Rebate For Energy Efficiency
Representatives from PG&E presented a ceremonial check worth $33,825 to the City Council of Foster City at its meeting last night as a rebate for the city installing LED street lights.
The city has installed 260 LED street lights, funded by a grant through the federal economic stimulous package worth $157,000, said PG&E representative Kathy Lavezzo.
LED lights produce a brighter, whiter light that improves visibility at night while reducing energy consumption. The city stands to save approximately $17,600 a year in energy cost by installing the new lamps, said Lavezzo."The Today Show" will reportedly be attending a local Tea crystal Party meeting Thursday night to film a piece on red light cameras.McEachron said he'll be shinebright interviewed by "The Today Show" near the intersection of Amargosa and Bear Valley roads Thursday afternoon.
The rebate check presented last night comes from PG&E as a reward for reducing city enegy consumption.
The new ec0-friendly bulbs also burn longer than standard street lights, which reduces maintenance cost. LED street lights also do not contain any disposable hazards such as Mercury or Led, which are found in some of the old fashioned bulbs.
The city saved $1,900 in avoided maintenance cost by installing the new street lights, according to Lavezzo.The High Desert Tea Party Movement, with support from Councilwoman bluecrystal Angela Valles and Mayor Ryan McEachron, has been helping lead the charge to remove 10 cameras monitoring intersections throughout Victorville.
The 260 new street lights reduce the city's energy consumption by 142,000 kilowatt hours last year, which is the equivalent to taking 22 homes, or six cars, off the energy grid, said Lavezzo.
"Those are big numbers, so we are pleased about that," said Lavezzo,"I do feel that the cameras are unconstitutional," Valles said, brightstal since they don't allow alleged violators to face their accuser. "I also think they're unsafe because people slam on their brakes. I've witnessed it many, many times myself." who presented the check through a partnership between PG&E and San Mateo County Energy Watch.
San Mateo County Energy Watch is a bi-product of a the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County and PG&E collborative effort to reduce local energy consumption and carbon footprint.
As the oversized check was presented, City Councilwoman Pam Frisella thanked PG&E for the rebate money.
She also joked about the difficulties of depositing it into a standard ATM.
In other business at last night's meeting,"I tell people it's not about what I want besttube , it's about what the people want," she said. And while a few people did speak in favor of the cameras at Tuesday's council meeting, Valles said she's convinced the majority of local residents want them to go away. Council members gave a second and final confirmation to their vote last meeting to pass an ordinance limiting the amount of dogs allowed off the leash being walked by one person in the city's off-the-leash areas.
Representatives from PG&E presented a ceremonial check worth $33,825 to the City Council of Foster City at its meeting last night as a rebate for the city installing LED street lights.
The city has installed 260 LED street lights, funded by a grant through the federal economic stimulous package worth $157,000, said PG&E representative Kathy Lavezzo.
LED lights produce a brighter, whiter light that improves visibility at night while reducing energy consumption. The city stands to save approximately $17,600 a year in energy cost by installing the new lamps, said Lavezzo."The Today Show" will reportedly be attending a local Tea crystal Party meeting Thursday night to film a piece on red light cameras.McEachron said he'll be shinebright interviewed by "The Today Show" near the intersection of Amargosa and Bear Valley roads Thursday afternoon.
The rebate check presented last night comes from PG&E as a reward for reducing city enegy consumption.
The new ec0-friendly bulbs also burn longer than standard street lights, which reduces maintenance cost. LED street lights also do not contain any disposable hazards such as Mercury or Led, which are found in some of the old fashioned bulbs.
The city saved $1,900 in avoided maintenance cost by installing the new street lights, according to Lavezzo.The High Desert Tea Party Movement, with support from Councilwoman bluecrystal Angela Valles and Mayor Ryan McEachron, has been helping lead the charge to remove 10 cameras monitoring intersections throughout Victorville.
The 260 new street lights reduce the city's energy consumption by 142,000 kilowatt hours last year, which is the equivalent to taking 22 homes, or six cars, off the energy grid, said Lavezzo.
"Those are big numbers, so we are pleased about that," said Lavezzo,"I do feel that the cameras are unconstitutional," Valles said, brightstal since they don't allow alleged violators to face their accuser. "I also think they're unsafe because people slam on their brakes. I've witnessed it many, many times myself." who presented the check through a partnership between PG&E and San Mateo County Energy Watch.
San Mateo County Energy Watch is a bi-product of a the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County and PG&E collborative effort to reduce local energy consumption and carbon footprint.
As the oversized check was presented, City Councilwoman Pam Frisella thanked PG&E for the rebate money.
She also joked about the difficulties of depositing it into a standard ATM.
In other business at last night's meeting,"I tell people it's not about what I want besttube , it's about what the people want," she said. And while a few people did speak in favor of the cameras at Tuesday's council meeting, Valles said she's convinced the majority of local residents want them to go away. Council members gave a second and final confirmation to their vote last meeting to pass an ordinance limiting the amount of dogs allowed off the leash being walked by one person in the city's off-the-leash areas.